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Google analytics event tracking

We can set-up and optimize your Google Ads for you but let’s also test your website’s SEO potential! While Diib helps 1000s of businesses grow with Google Ads management, Diib is also one of the best SEO tools in the world and uses the power of big data to help you quickly and easily increase your free organic traffic and rankings. Diib will even let you know if you already deserve to rank higher for certain keywords.


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Google analytics event tracking

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How to Use Google Analytics to Improve Your Blog

We can set-up and optimize your Google Ads for you but let’s also test your website’s SEO potential! While Diib helps 1000s of businesses grow with Google Ads management, Diib is also one of the best SEO tools in the world and uses the power of big data to help you quickly and easily increase your free organic traffic and rankings. Diib will even let you know if you already deserve to rank higher for certain keywords.


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Google Event Tracking is a tool that precisely tracks how visitors interact with the content on your website. It’s best to distinguish these events from the conversions you define as target events.

In this article, you will learn the essential information you need by setting up a follow-up event. You’re going to see if that’s what you need, having answered the following questions. And if that’s the case, find out how to use it to investigate your audience.

We are always collecting data online. The amount of information provided is often much higher than the quality of the information provided. You can track anything and everything, up to a million conversions, if you know what you’re doing.

This article was designed to show you how to use Google Analytics to track events correctly. This method is the most crucial function of the analytical system.

 1. Web Goals and Objectives

We base marketing performance on clear and unambiguously measured parameters. Then, we will find the best solutions for all sectors.

  • Semantics in Performance Marketing: It would be helpful to define the company’s specific objectives before you start playing with the analytical system, especially the site where you set up the GA (Google Analytics).
  • What are the Objectives?: The objectives are the actions that should be taken by visitors to the site. You can quickly view the conversion information, identify the most valuable sources of traffic, and optimize the usability of the target settings.

Google analytics event tracking

There are no comprehensive target lists for these types of situations; they can vary from case to case. Here are examples of just some of those situations.

Analytics Event Tracking Universal Types:

  • To target the online store
  • Good places to rent
  • The Blog and the Media Guide
  • Please include the item in your cart
  • Provision of materials
  • Please refer to our Promotions section
  • Please click on the Catalog / Product page
  • Click the recommendation block
  • Clicks on the Ad / Link banner
  • Using the Tool of Comparison
  • Subscription to get more information, news/promotions, etc.
  • Click the drop button
  • Sent request for service
  • Contact page for details
  • Use timer or other equipment
  • Page Category / Services
  • Order Callback
  • 1 to 2 page Views
  • Remaining on-site for more than 2 minutes
  • Subscribing to Newsletter
  • Click on the Ad / Link banner
  • Embedded video views
  • Simple and Composite Goals: The simple goal is to add the product to the cart, to visit the page, and to submit the request. A composite goal is a sequence of defined actions that must be taken by the user to achieve a goal (e.g., to go to the main page by clicking on a banner to send a request).

If you have a list of your micro and macro objectives, you can better understand how to set a pattern for the tracking of events.

2. Investigating Events

If you don’t even know what objectives you set or what the events your analytics system monitors, it’s time to find out.

Check the necessary Google Analytics event report for the following:

Google Analytics Delivery Model

The target action will not always apply when the user visits the site first. Overall, the resource returns multiple times from different channels: search results, contextual or targeted advertising, social networks, browser bookmarks, etc.

The assignment template helps the marketer determine which channel is the most important to attract the target visitor. Google Analytics uses Seven as the default method for creating a custom model.

  • Last indirect click: this includes the last direct transition (to the exact URL), and the conversion assigned to the previous indirect click. This model is used by default in Analytics, except for a multichannel sequence report. In general, other assignment models contrast to each other.
  • Last Interaction: the last channel to be converted is assigned. Suitable for fast-track business niches, like flower delivery.
  • Last Click on Google Ads: think about the last click on the ad. Recommended for the optimization of ads and most conversions.
  • First Interaction: the conversion attributes to the first channel where the contact occurred; when understanding which channel the user first switched to a resource, it is crucial to analyze the attraction of interest to a brand or product.
  • Linear Model: The value of the conversion is shared equally across all channels. This assignment model can apply where constant contact with an interested visitor is essential, irrespective of the channel.
  • Long-standing Interactions: the conversion value increases from the first to the last interaction, and the most valuable are those closest to the conversion. The model is used to launch time-limited inventory: the closer the transition to the target action, the more valuable it becomes.
  • The location of the reference: This interaction divides the conversion value as a percentage: the first and last clicks are received by 40%, while the remaining 20% is distributed equally across the other channels. In this model, the first click is the most important for the business, and the transition directly leading to the conversion.

Analytics use this Model Comparison Tool to choose the correct assignment model.

Google analytics event tracking

3. Improve Your Event Tracking/Web Tracking?

If you answered the first two questions clearly, you might have already discovered some of the gaps in the structure of the current tracking mechanism:

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  • You haven’t been following the interactions until recently.
  • You keep track of interactions but don’t store all valuable information.

Also, the number of visits to Google Analytics is limited, so you simply can’t track the entire world.

You are, of course, engaged in actions that meet your site ‘s objectives. For example, in an online store, we require all the user interfaces with the website that have an impact on the final conversion rate.

If your google analytics event report is messy and doesn’t clearly explain why you are looking at a specific target action, it’s impossible to process it.

Google Ad Campaign Optimization

In Google Ads, smart targets work to optimize campaigns where other methods of conversion measurement are not available for some reason. The working principle of this type of objective is to analyze sessions and to select the best ones based on machine learning, i.e., those most likely to lead to conversion. A customized Google Ad report will look something like this. You can easily see the effectiveness of individual campaigns and the overall impression.

Google analytics event tracking

 4. Structuring Your Google Analytics Events

Any interaction between users of this website is a sequential process.

The process may vary depending on the target audience and on other external factors. But this is the user sequence that decides to act on the portal, one way or another.

Next, I’m going to talk about tracking GA events and their parameters, and I’m going to make recommendations for each of them.

Categories of events

To track similar groups of occurrences:

  • Downloadable forms
  • link
  • YouTube Shows
  • Scrolling tracking process
  • Action Event
  • The kind of event monitored for specific items on websites

For example, You Tube’s video interface:

  • Log-in to play
  • Pause button

The percentage of completed searches may be 0 percent, 25 percent, 75, and 100 percent, respectively.

Understand your Google Analytics + test your SEO in 60 seconds!

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For example “www.diib.com”

Used by over 500k companies and organizations:

  • logo
  • logo
  • logo
  • logo

Syncs with Google Analytics

Link Building

The GTAG Event Tracking Label

This refers to the name of the entry on the Google Event Tracking Settings page. In other words, this is the category to which the event belongs.

Event Value

This field may be optional, please. It provides the numerical measure of the event if the event is appropriately set up.

The type of involvement of the user and the information needs of the user shall determine the structure of the tracking of the event.

When learning how to track events in google analytics, there’s one thing to focus on: consistency. Identifying this factor is a step towards optimizing the information gathering process.

This type of Google Analytics Event Page would look like this

Google analytics event tracking

5. Interactive and Non-Interactive Events

Now we can put together two types of events.

  • Interactive events – affect the percentage of errors on the page where they occurred.
  • Non-interactive occurrences will not affect rebounding rates.

Google analytics event tracking

(Photo: Online Metrics)

“Affects Failures” indicate that the user’s session after the event is triggered is not a fault. You can, for example, compare that to the second session of web browsing.

Let me give you some examples.

Outbound Links

You start tracking all of the cases when a link that points to another resource appears on your site. Of course, you do not need to count the user’s session as a denial when you leave your website using this link.

Outbound link:Outbound links are links that are meant to take you elsewhere. These are links that are going to direct you to another specific webpage or website altogether.

Use YT button to play video

On your website, you’ll track user activity over a video. A person clicks, watches, and leaves the site on the Video playback button.

YT Button: This stands for YouTube Button. You can also buy a real silver play button on Ebay for $1,500. The Diamond Play Button, for channels with 10,000,000 subscribers. The Gold Play Button, for channels with 1,000,000 subscribers. The Silver Play Button, for channels with 100,000 subscribers. (Quora)

Forming a GTM

At the moment, analysts can run a Google Tag Manager (GTM). You can also develop a code in the google analytics event tracking code generator if you wish. But the tag manager option is much easier to apply. Just set the default Non-Infection setting to false.

Any new event tracking web tracking that you set up in GTM will have an impact on the bounce rate as standard.

Google Tag Manager: Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a tag management system (TMS) that allows users to easily add and edit snippets of custom or templated code, also called tags, to a website. Tags can add analytics tracking, manage advertising pixels, or create additional site functionality.

We hope that you found this article useful.

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I`ve found Diib to be very helpful on demystifying Google Analytics data which can be overwhelming. The service trawls through your data and finds the areas where you can improve - even if you were an expert this would save time. For me, it means the data collected by Google Analytics becomes actionable so I can improve, rather than simply interesting.
Nick Colebatch
RV Cover Supply

IPv6 Internal

Take Immobilizing Limit into consideration. If traffic on site is slightly higher than 1,000, that parameter is not required. This parameter will need defining if thousands of users visit the website each day to track the different events they engage in.

You should be aware that the analytical system has its limitations (if not the GA 360). Getting the GTAG event tracking system to work requires limits. That way, it works with the amount of information that can be processed.

IPv6 Internal: Also called Internet protocol version 6, this is a view filter that blocks internal traffic and was developed so more users and devices can communicate with each other via the internet.

Resource Limitation

Up to 10 million hits per month can be processed in the system. This is particularly relevant and necessary for large websites and portals with a considerable number of pages viewed per session.

7. Other Available Google Analytics Solutions

There are multiple ways of keeping track of GA events. It is, however, sometimes useful to use other systems to solve event tracking problems.

If, for example, you wish to track all interactions in your production environment. In this case, GA isn’t the best solution. The Diib® software has the ability to track individual metrics and apply them to the bigger picture. This will give you a comprehensive view, while simultaneously providing customized event tracking and content.

When setting up event tracking, consider how the e-commerce code for each order is generated. The google analytics event tracking code generator will ask for the following fields: order number ID), name of the product, the item number (SKU), product category, price, and quantity.

Google analytics event tracking

(Photo credit: 2xecommerce.com)

The Special Analytics event tracking universal Report Group on Electronic Commerce gathers the sales data. In general, we track each product for the revenue dynamics, average order value, transaction information, and even the number of days or number of user sessions before purchase.

8. Home and Outsourcing: Resettlement

You can configure many pieces of information with Google Tag Manager built-in triggers. But if you don’t understand Javascript, you don’t know how to track events. In any case, you’ll need your tracking setup outsourced.

9. Configure Your GA Tracking Code Generator

Everything you do in the google analytics events system needs the correct configuration. At least in the table on Excel.

Using a template is helpful. For example always commit to this guideline:

  • What, when, and how to keep that event tracked.
  • Which fields of communication, what kind of event, what kind of action, etc.
  • What was observed, and the measurements;

All this applies when monitoring your Google analytics events.

10. When to Use Google Event Tracking

Last but not least, the critical question is when to follow up on this event.

Begin answering it by defining your goals. Then, you’ll see what kind of interaction you need. You can always add one new event to the chain over time.

Specify your needs generally before you start playing GTMs and other tools. This way, You save money and time.

Listed below are some useful subsections:

As usual, you can find a summary report on the website containing full conversion information. You need to set target actions to get customers to display correctly. The goods could be commanded, demanded, and called. On an analytics event tracking universal, You’ll find segments about your destination location, source, and channel.

a) General google analytics event report

The ‘Target URL’ report helps you understand the pages to which the user has converted. This tool is useful when tracking different pages with the same objectives.

On just a few pages, you allow the customer to subscribe to the newsletter; for example, you can find out which page he decided to leave at the end of his visit. All you need to do is analyze and improve the efficiency, with similar goals, of the remaining pages.

b) Reporting skills improved

Go Back to set up pages used before the target action. It can help interpret events as an earlier report: analyze and conclude a visit on pages on which the user becomes a client.

The subsection “Visualization” is of interest to those who have indicated the means for achieving the objective. Where do you see users refuse to use the report at what stage?

For example, if payment is the objective, the provisional goals shall be as follows:

  • Putting items into a cart;
  • Checkout;
  • Selecting a shipping method;
  • Pressing the Payment button.

c) Choose which target you wish to analyze

You can determine which conversions are made by those users who share standard criteria in the “Goal Map” section. That is, where customers come from and how they observe targeted actions on-site.

When compiling a report, remember to select additional user criteria. In this section, the remaining reports call for more detailed work and are suitable for professionals.


  1. Setting targets and assigning values to them – so that you can always evaluate the work and results of the various campaigns, deactivate ineffective campaigns, and increase the budgets of those which led to sales.
  2. Choosing the audience segment of interest when compiling different reports-this is how you can see which users convert on the site or which parameters are ineffective.
  3. Place a chart with one or two settings for each section chosen. You can see how the set of indicators changed every hour by selecting the period.
  4. Separate country of users, screen resolution, traffic sources in the “Maps” subsections, so you can find out about the behavior of users who have the same settings on the web.
  5. Read the Guidelines for Google. This section is updated regularly and regularly gets updated with new tips from experts.

Use Dii® To Help Grow Your Website

Google Analytics is a powerful instrument for performance measurement and optimization. Diib® helps companies track specific events and data to improve website performance and traffic. We help to simplify the process, freeing up your time to focus on more important management duties. If you would like our free 60 second site scan or have questions for us, feel free to give us a call at (800) 303-3510 or click here.

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The simplest way to do this is to trigger the event yourself. Then, check Google Analytics to see if the event showed up. You can view your tracked events by clicking “Behavior” in the sidebar and scrolling down to “Events.” Your tracked events can be found under “Behavior” in Google Analytics. Simple!

Here’s a great tutorial to help you with all the ins and outs of google tracking.

Custom events are configured by adding an HTML event to an element of your web page and then using some of Google’s standard Google Analytics JavaScript to send event data to your account.

Here are the steps necessary to track outbound links with google tag manager:

  • Create an auto-event variable that returns true if the clicked link is outbound
  • Create a Just Links trigger that activates tags only if the clicked link is outbound
  • Create a tag (google analytics event) that sends the event when the outbound link is clicked
  • Test

The main difference between a goal and an event in Google Analytics is that goals are tied to actions that affect website revenue, while events track specific website behavior that does not have to do with reaching a page on your site.

Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics tool that can track various kinds of events. Tracking certain specific actions, such as clicks on specific links, requires enabling custom event tracking.

There are many free and paid tools out there that will help you track your google analytics events. A quick google search can help you find exactly the right fit for you.


Welcome to diib! Our analytics platform syncs to your Google Analytics account (not required to start) in just 60 seconds and helps over 250,000k business owners affordably grow their website by showing them how to grow. We offer a free basic website scan and a variety of PRO memberships starting at just $29.99 a month.

With so many members we are also able to provide wholesale pricing combined with very high-quality work on services such as:

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  • Create your free account by entering your website below and we’ll be able to show you all the other services we offer to our members!

Daniel Urmann

Author Bio:

Daniel Urmann is the co-founder of Diib.com. Over the past 17 years Daniel has helped thousands of business grow online through SEO, social media, and paid advertising. Today, Diib helps over 150,000 business globally grow online with their SaaS offerings. Daniel’s interest include SMB analytics, big data, predictive analytics, enterprise and SMB search engine optimization (SEO), CRO optimization, social media advertising, A/B testing, programatic and geo-targeting, PPC, and e-commerce. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) focused in Finance and E-commerce from Cornell University – S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management.


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