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A Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Ad Specs for 2021

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A Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Ad Specs for 2021

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Facebook offers a set of guidelines for ads and image specs. It is important to understand these recommendations, especially if you use Facebook for marketing. In this article, we are going to discuss about Facebook ad specs and image sizes, best size for Facebook ad, Facebook ad creative size, Facebook ad dimensions image and Facebook ad size specs.

The Recommended Facebook ad size

The correct Facebook ad size 2021 is 1080 x 1080 pixels. The recommended image specs should be 1200 x 628 pixels when you are sharing a URL. For a Facebook story, the recommended size is 1080 x 1920 pixels. There is also much more information regarding Facebook ad sizes and specs. The guidelines, for instance, give recommendations on how Facebook ad sizes help to ensure maximum success. The recommendations also guide users on how to get more likes from well designed Facebook ads.

Recommended Facebook ad dimensions and size for 2021

Facebook advertising presents users with options to use one or more ad types. Presently, there are ten different kinds of Facebook ad formats. All the types are efficient depending on the type of Facebook ad structure. In doing Facebook advertising, it is important to understand all the Facebook ad layouts and when they can be used. This article reviews the correct Facebook ad size 2021, the most appropriate size for a Facebook feed post, Facebook ad specs, the best Facebook ad examples and when to use certain ad types.

News feed ads and Facebook feed posts

We will first look at the recommended dimensions for news feed ads and Facebook feed posts. These can also be referred to as the basic specs and dimensions. Knowing how to choose the correct ad sizes and types is important when a user is creating Facebook ad campaigns.

How to choose the right Facebook ad size and type

Selecting the correct ad dimensions can be tough, especially for users who are just starting out with Facebook advertising. Facebook offers numerous placements for ads and they can be confusing. Some of the Facebook Ads Manager templates include:

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Previously, the allowed Facebook ad size was 1200 x 628 pixels. Currently, one can publish posts that are 1080 x 1080 pixels wide and this adds more space for users in the news feed.

There are still users who create ads using the 1200 x 628 pixel dimensions. However, the 1080 x 1080 pixels ads appear bigger and a user should consider using the Facebook ads automatic placements for better results.

  • The placements guide you are using should have at least 3 formats to create ads. The formats include the Facebook and Instagram news feeds 1080 x 1080 pixels, the Facebook Audience network 1200 x 628 pixels and the 1080 x 1920 pixels for Instagram and Facebook Stories.
  • Automatic placements to boost your campaigns’
  • Users can use different dimensions to upload images for one ad by clicking ‘select a placement to customize’. This option is available when one is editing a Facebook ad. If, for instance, you upload Facebook ads with three different banner formats, your ad is more likely to reach more people. However, if your lack the resources needed to customize image sizes for your Instagram ads, Facebook and the 1:1 format ads adjust what you have created for the Story post automatically. When you do not add a custom ad image for stories placement, it may make the ads less attractive. The ads can still, however, be used.
  • Custom ads have a more appealing look as you can brand them to look more original. You get to change the images, text and even the theme colors. For maximum reach, use a number of Facebook ad placements. You should also upload images and video clips that are customized for your ad to be more original. The 1080 vs 1080px ad size is appropriate in case you cannot create all the image sizes for the ad.

Facebook News Feed ads

News Feed ads are the most common types of Facebook ads. These ads appear when users are scrolling their news feed either on mobile devices or on a desktop.

Facebook News ads have the following recommended specs 2021:

  • 1200 x 628 or 1080 x 1080 pixels is the recommended image size for ads
  • The images should have a 600 pixels minimum width and height
  • The aspect ratio that is highly recommended for news feed ads is between 9:16 to 16:9. However, it crops to 1.91:1 with the help of a link
  • The recommended image formats are JPG, PNG (PNG has higher quality)
  • Images should not have more than 20% text to avoid disapproval by Facebook
  • The character limits for feed ad text are:
  • A maximum of 125 characters for text length
  • The headline should have a maximum of 25 characters
  • The link description length should be at most 30 characters.

Specs for Facebook News Feed video ad:

  • Videos uploaded should have the highest possible resolution and should also meet the file size and ratio limits
  • The video file size should not exceed 4GB
  • The video should be between 15 – 30 seconds long
  • The minimum length for the video should be 1 second
  • Video maximum length should be 240 Minutes
  • The recommended video ratio is 9:16 to 16:9
  • Video minimum dimensions 600 x 315 (1.9:1 landscape) or 600 x 600 (square)
  • .MP4 and MOV are the recommended video formats
  • It’s optional though recommended to have video captions
  • It is also optional although recommended to have video sound

Facebook Carousel ads

Through Facebook carousel ads, advertisers can showcase more images as compared to single-image ads. This may result to higher engagement on the carousel ad. It may also be cheaper for every ad click.

You can upload up to 10 images in one carousel ad where all images need to be in the 1:1 format and be 1080 x 1080 pixels wide. You can also include videos in a Facebook carousel ad and not only static images. For example:

A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ad Specs

Recommended Facebook Carousel ad specs and size:

  • The recommended ratio is 1:1
  • Images should have the size of 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • The width and height on the minimum should be 600 pixels (Messenger Home carousel ads should be 254 x 133 pixels for)
  • Minimum cards in each ad should be 2 images
  • Maximum cards in each ad should be 10 images
  • 30MB is the recommended maximum image size
  • JPG and PNG are the recommended image formats

Character limits for a carousel ad:

  • Text length should be at most 125 characters
  • Headline length is a maximum of 40 characters
  • Link description length is a maximum of 30 characters

Facebook carousel video ad specs 2021:

  • Recommended resolution is a minimum of 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Recommended ratio is 1:1
  • 2 images are the minimum cards per ad
  • 10 images are the maximum cards per ad
  • Maximum video file size is 4GB
  • The video should be 1 second to 240 minutes long
  • .MP4 and MOV are the recommended video formats
  • Video captions are optional. However, they are recommended
  • Video sound is optional but strongly recommended

Facebook & Instagram Story ads

With time, the placement for Instagram Stories is overtaking the other Facebook ad placements. There is a rising number of users who react to story ads. Users should consider using Story placements for Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns since the number of users who react to Story ads is increasing at an exponential level.

A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ad Specs

(Image Credit: BandT)

Specs for a Facebook Story video ad:

  • The uploaded media should be a video
  • Recommended video duration is 15 seconds
  • Minimum length of the video is 3 seconds
  • Maximum length of the video is 60 seconds
  • Recommended Aspect Ratio is 1.9:1 (landscape)
  • For videos that have an aspect ratio that is under 9:16, gradient bars that are colored are rendered below and above.
  • Recommended maximum video file size is 4GB
  • Video Captions are not available
  • It’s optional to have video Sound
  • Recommended frame rate is 30fps max
  • The recommended file type is mp4 container
  • Videos should have a H.264 video compression, fixed frame, progressive scan, preferably high profile square pixels
  • Audio: Stereo AAC audio compression, 128kbps + preferred

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Specs for a Facebook Story image ad:

  • There should be no extra text, all text must be part of the image file
  • The ad should have a full-screen vertical ad (9:16) format
  • The recommended size is 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • The minimum resolution is 600 x 1067
  • JPG, PNG are the recommended file types
  • The recommended maximum image size is 30MB
  • Photo content should be visible for 5 seconds

Facebook Right-hand Column ads

These ads are effective just like news feed, stories and Facebook ad placements. With Facebook Right-hand column ads, uploaded images should have the size of 1200 x 628 pixels and should be seen in the right-hand column. This type of ad is efficient in giving users more reach to the target audience and more clicks. The ad is also easy to create. Here is an example of a ad on the right column of your Facebook page:

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A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ad Specs

Character limits for right column ad:

  • 125 characters is the text limit
  • The headline should be a maximum of 25 characters
  • The link description should have 30 characters

Right column ad size and specs:

  • 1200 x 628 pixels is the recommended size of an image
  • The minimum height and width is 600 pixels
  • The aspect ratio that is highly recommended should be between 9:16 to 16:9. However, with the help of a link, it crops to 1.91:1
  • JPG and PNG are the recommended image formats

Specs for Facebook Audience Network ad 

This type of ad boosts your Instagram and Facebook ad campaigns across all the platforms of the internet. Your ads also get to appear on thousands of great apps and websites. According to a campaign study focused on Facebook ads, the results from this particular ad was eight times higher for people who viewed such ads on other platforms other than Facebook. The ads can be viewed on Instagram, Facebook, and Audience Network. For example:

A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ad Specs

(Image Credit: 9 Clouds)

It is, therefore, advisable to add the Audience Network placement in your ad campaigns. When adding this placement, include good video clips in the ad because majority of the placements on Audience Networks show video ads only.

Audience Network video ad specs:

  • Videos should have high resolution video and must meet file size and ratio limits
  • The video should have a maximum size of 4GB
  • 15 – 30 seconds is the recommended length of the video
  • The video’s minimum length is 1 second
  • The video’s maximum length is 240 Minutes
  • Recommended video ratio is 9:16 to 16:9
  • The following are the minimum dimensions: 600 x 315 (1.9:1 landscape) or 600 x 600 (square)
  • MP4 and MOV are the recommended video formats
  • Video captions are optional. However, they are highly recommended
  • Video sound is optional although recommended

Size and specs for Facebook Audience Network ads:

  • 1200 x 628 pixels is the recommended image size
  • Recommended minimum height and width is 600 pixels
  • Recommended aspect ratio is between 9:16 to 16:9, and with a link, it crops to 1.91:1
  • JPG and PNG are the recommended image formats

Audience Network ad character limits:

  • The text can only have a maximum of 125 characters
  • The headline should have 25 characters
  • The link description should have 30 characters

Facebook Instant Article ad dimensions

This type of ad format is designed for use on a mobile device and allows ad publishers to have easily accessible and engaging articles to the Facebook app. Using the Instant Article placement enables your ads to pop up as people are reading the articles. For instance:

A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ad Specs

(Image Credit: Nieman Lab)

The specs for Instant article ad:

  • 1200 x 628 pixels is the recommended image size
  • The image ratio is 9:16 to 16:9
  • The minimum height and width is 600 pixels
  • JPG and PNG are the recommended image formats

Specs for instant article video:

  • Videos published should have the highest possible resolution
  • 15-30 seconds is the recommended video length
  • 9:16 to 16:9 is the recommended aspect ratio
  • MP4 and MOV are the recommended video formats
  • The video should have a maximum size of 4GB

Instant article ad character limits:

  • The text should have 30 characters
  • The headline should have 25 characters

Facebook Marketplace ad creative 2021

There is a Facebook Marketplace on Facebook. This is a platform where buyers meet sellers. As users scroll down the site, they can view some of the ads on the feed.

Avoid using the marketplace platform as your only ad placement since it is likely to reach less people. Add the marketplace placements to your campaign when you already have the ad on other placements, to increase your reach. The image below shows you what Facebook Marketplace looks like:

A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ad Specs

Facebook Marketplace ad image guidelines and dimensions:

  • 1200 x 628 pixels is the recommended image size
  • The minimum height and width is 600 pixels
  • JPG and PNG are the recommended image formats

The specs for Facebook Marketplace ads:

  • Upload a video with very high resolution and that meets the limits of file size and ratio
  • 4GB should be the maximum video file size
  • 15-30 seconds is the recommended video length
  • Recommended minimum video length is 1 second
  • Recommended maximum video length is 240 Minutes
  • The video ratio is 9:16 to 16:9
  • Recommended minimum dimensions are 600 x 315 (1.9:1 landscape) or 600 x 600 (square)
  • MP4 and MOV are the recommended video formats
  • Video captions are optional. However, they are highly recommended
  • Video and sound are optional although highly recommended

Marketplace ad character limits:

  • The text should contain 125 characters
  • The headline should contain 25 characters
  • The link description should contain 30 characters

Facebook Messenger ads

This type of Facebook ad appears in between messages in the Messenger app. These ads can be viewed in the chats tab by users. In the beginning it is a collapsed version of your ad that users are able to view. Using the Facebook guide, you can learn more about the Messenger ads. Here is an example of one:

A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ad Specs

(Image Credit: Help Center)

Facebook Messenger ad size and specs:

  • The ad adapts a single-image ad format
  • 1080 x 1080 pixels is the recommended image size for a collapsed ad
  • 1200 x 628 pixels is the recommended image size for expanded ad
  • JPG and PNG are the recommended image formats

Character limits of the Facebook Messenger ad:

  • The text should have 125 characters
  • The headline should be 25 characters
  • The link description should be 30 characters

Facebook Sponsored Message ads

These Message ads are sponsored to enable advertisers to have direct conversations with their target audience through Facebook Messenger. Facebook Messenger has a policy that states that, after every 24 hours of a user’s last contact, businesses are not able to send messages to the contacts. Messages can, however, be sent as sponsored messages. With sponsored Messages, you can engage again with people who you had earlier engaged in Messenger using sponsored ads. For example:

A Beginner's Guide to Facebook Ad Specs

(Image Credit: Instapage)

Sponsored message ad image size:

  • 1200 x 628 pixels is the recommended image size
  • Image ratio should be 9:16 to 16:9
  • Recommended minimum height and width is 600 pixels
  • JPG and PNG are the recommended image formats

Character limits of a sponsored message ad:

  • The text should contain 30 characters
  • The headline should have 25 characters

It is our hope that we have given a clear insight regarding Facebook ad size specs, Facebook ad dimensions image, Facebook ad creative size, best size for Facebook ad, and Facebook ad specs and image sizes.

Diib®: Get Your Facebook Ads Working for You!

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There are many differing opinions on this subject. However, the most common opinion is that the best size for a Facebook ad is 1,200 x 628 pixels.

Below are the technical requirements for Facebook ads:

  • Minimum Width and Height: 600 pixels
  • Maximum File Size: 30MB
  • Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 3%

Facebook’s 20% rule states that any Facebook user creating an advertisement is not allowed to cover over 20% of the image with text. They then introduced a tool to help users with this.

Facebook does not limit text in video ads. The 20% rule is only for image advertisements. This means you can use as many words in your video ad as you would like.

The best size for Facebook ads is 1,200 wide and 628 tall. Facebook will then crop your image to 500 wide and 261 tall. This means the aspect ratio for Facebook ads is 1.91:1.


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Daniel Urmann

Author Bio:

Daniel Urmann is the co-founder of Diib.com. Over the past 17 years Daniel has helped thousands of business grow online through SEO, social media, and paid advertising. Today, Diib helps over 150,000 business globally grow online with their SaaS offerings. Daniel’s interest include SMB analytics, big data, predictive analytics, enterprise and SMB search engine optimization (SEO), CRO optimization, social media advertising, A/B testing, programatic and geo-targeting, PPC, and e-commerce. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) focused in Finance and E-commerce from Cornell University – S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management.


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